Toll Tickets
A Toll Ticket outlines a planned HGV route. The route description is submitted by the HGV Owner and is used to calculate the Road Toll for the Vehicles that are not equipped with On-Board Units.
Each Toll Ticket contains the following information:
- Toll Ticket Number;
- Vehicle’s licence plate;
- exact Valid From time and date;
- time and date of issue;
- validity period;
- total length of Russian Federal Highway stretches en route;
- route description detailing the Russian Highway stretches;
- Road Toll amount.
Toll Tickets can be obtained at:
- Customer Services Centres;
- Toll Collect Terminals;
- online or via a mobile app.
To get a Toll Ticket, HGV Owners must provide the following information:
- trip starting point and final destination; 1-10 midpoints if required;
- time and date of departure;
- licence plate of the Vehicle using the Toll Ticket;
- Vehicle’s Certificate of Registration number.